Basic Views on Sustainability
01Basic Views
The "Nisso Group Charter of Corporate Behavior", which is a code of conduct that officers and employees should adhere to, states that we must not only comply with laws and regulations, such as prohibition of discrimination, respect for diversity, freedom of association, prohibition of forced・child labor, etc., but that we also maintain high ethical standards and accept diverse values. We have established the "Nisso Group Employee Code of Conduct" as a standard of conduct that should be followed on a daily basis by putting into practice the spirit of the Charter of Corporate Behavior.
Recognizing that respect for human rights is the foundation of business in our daily activities, with the aim of thoroughly implementing the "Nisso Group Charter of Corporate Behavior", the "Policy on Human Rights and Labor" was established in order to advocate international standards on human rights, such as the United Nations Global Compact's principles concerning human rights・labor, and to conduct the management of respect for humanity. In addition, the "Ethics Policy" was also established in order to share compliance, which should be the basis of corporate management, and we will ensure its thorough awareness. Going forward, we will continue the activities of the United Nations Global Compact, which are the universal principles of "Human Rights", "Labor", "Environment", and "Anti-corruption" advocated by the United Nations.
02Process for Identifying Key Issues
The Nisso Group will continue to support the "working people" with the aim of allowing each and every employee to challenge infinite possibilities and continue working with enthusiasm. In addition, "responding to social and structural changes" is an important issue that the Nisso Group must respond to. In order to solve these issues, we will reinforce governance, which is the foundation of all companies, and will realize a sustainable society. To put it into practice, we have identified key issues in accordance with the following process.
STEP1Extraction of Materiality (Key Issues)
Based on the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards, the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), and the United Nations Global Compact, we have extracted social issues that are highly relevant to Nisso Group's business.
STEP2Evaluation of Importance from the Perspective of NISSO HOLDINGS and Our Stakeholders
Based on Step 1, we selected social issues in terms of importance to our stakeholders and importance to NISSO HOLDINGS, and identified issues that should be prioritized.
STEP3Confirmation by the Sustainability Council
The Sustainability Council, which belongs to the Corporate Value Enhancement Committee, exchanged opinions on the issues in Step 2, and selected their materiality (key issues).
STEP4Discussions and Decisions by Management
The materiality selected was decided after the exchange of opinions with management through the Corporate Value Enhancement Committee and the Board of Directors.
STEP5Association with SDGs
We linked the activities connected with the identified materiality with the related SDGs.
Mapping of Key Issues (As of October 17, 2024)
Importance to stakeholders
Importance to the business
03Main Sustainability Activities
1Participation in the United Nations Global Compact
In October 2023, NISSO HOLDINGS joined the United Nations Global Compact, a global initiative to achieve sustainable growth in the international community.
Until now, NISSO CORPORATION has been participating since March 2019, but it is important for the Nisso Group to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by supporting and putting into practice the 10 principles of the UNGC, which consists of the four areas of "Human Rights・Labor・Environment・Anti-corruption" advocated by the United Nations, and we have reiterated our participation with the aim of accelerating these activities.
10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact
Human Rights
- Principle 1 : Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights
Principle 2 : Ensure that business practices are not complicit in human rights abuses
- Principle 3 : Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
Principle 4 : Eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labor
Principle 5 : Abolish child labor
Principle 6 : Eliminate discrimination in employment and occupation
- Principle 7 : Adopt a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
Principle 8 : Conduct environmentally responsible activities
Principle 9 : Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
- Principle 10 : Fight corruption in all its forms including extortion and bribery
2Activities at the Global Compact Network Japan
NISSO HOLDINGS participates in activities carried out by the “Global Compact Network Japan” (GCNJ), Japan's local network of the United Nations Global Compact. GNCJ conducts themed subcommittee activities to discuss and exchange information on sustainability concepts and initiatives, learning from the practices of other companies and academic experts. In FY 3/2023, we participated in the following subcommittees.
- ESG Subcommittee
- Reporting and Research Subcommittee
- Human Rights Education Subcommittee
- Sustainability Subcommittee
- Human Rights Due Diligence Subcommittee etc.
3Contributions to Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)
The "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)s" adopted by the United Nations in 2015, are universal goals for 2030 that address social issues such as poverty, employment, and the environment. The Nisso Group will face the various challenges facing the world with sincerity, and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society, namely the achievement of the SDGs, through its business activities.

4RBA Initiatives
NISSO CORPORATION is a company that provides human resources services, such as manufacturing contracting and manufacturing dispatching, to clients mainly in the manufacturing industry. Therefore, there many clients of our clients are affiliated and are compliant with the RBA, which promotes CSR in the global supply chain.
We have established an internal CSR management system and activity structure to contribute to CSR procurement initiatives in the client supply chain, and we support and comply with the RBA Code of Conduct as an international CSR standard in addition to laws and regulations and social norms in conducting our business activities.
Specifically, the "CSR Council" has been established in the Profit Division, which handles direct employees, with the head of the Profit Division as the council chairman. The Council monitors and identifies issues based on management systems related to labor, safety and health, the environment, and ethics, formulates measures to resolve them, and implements these measures by resolution of the "Board of Directors“.
In addition, NISSO CORPORATION has established the "CSR Procurement Guidelines" for Tier 1 suppliers, which stipulate requirements for CSR requirements from the international community, in addition to basic QCD requirements, and is also working to build a responsible supply chain through compliance status hearings and cooperation for improvement.

5Toward the Selection of Key Issues
In accordance with our founding philosophy of “Nurturing and Bringing Out the Best in People", the Nisso Group aims to create a workplace where working people can work and grow with a sense of satisfaction, as well as to provide services that can contribute to our growth as a company. In order to enhance the corporate value of the Nisso Group, we will respect laws and social rules, and conduct CSR activities aimed at realizing a sustainable society.