"Climate Change" Initiatives
Related SDGs
GHG emissions
We are working to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 in conjunction with our business.
- GHG emissions
FY 3/2024
FY 3/2023 3,116t-CO2
Nisso Group Environmental Policy
Through a series of human resources services activities, NISSO HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (hereinafter, the "Nisso Group") has regarded global environmental conservation and pollution prevention as one of the most significant management issues. In order to achieve harmony with our business activities and the global environment, we have formulated this Environmental Policy. After recognizing the environmental impact caused by business activities, in accordance to the following basic policy, all employees will be actively involved in the creation of a recycling-oriented society as the Nisso Group sets and re-examines environmental objectives and targets, co-exists with local communities and strives to make continuous improvements.
With regards to business activities, we will devote our efforts to the following items in order to prevent pollution and reduce environmental burdens.
- 1.Thorough reduction of electricity consumption in offices
- 2.Promotion of eco-driving
- 3.Thorough sorted collection of waste material
- 4.Active contribution to local environmental conservation activities of local communities and clients
- 5.Increase of green purchasing rate of company-use equipment
We will comply with environmental laws・ordinances・ regulations, and other requirements.
We will make considerations for the utilization of sustainable resources・mitigation and adaption of climate change・protection of biodiversity and ecosystems.
We will promote awareness-raising activities such as internal public relations activities to ensure that all employees are able to enhance their awareness of environmental conservation and fully comprehend our Environmental Policy.
We will periodically re-examine and disclose this Environmental Policy to the general public.
01Social Conditions
Global temperatures are continuing to rise, causing even more extreme weather events.
In order to prevent this from happening, climate change needs to be addressed.
Coral reefs disappear due to rising sea temperatures
70% to 90% at a 1.5°C rise, completely extinct at a 2.0°C rise
Rise in sea level due to melting of ice sheets, etc.
30 to 60 cm rise by 2100
An estimated 700 million people will be displaced from their homes by 2030
Increased disasters due to climate change
40% increase from 2015 to 2030
02Basic View
The Nisso Group strives to contribute to society through investments in "people", which are our driving force, and at the same time, we recognize that responding to climate change, which is essential for the survival of our business, is an important management issue.
Through our business activities, we will work to protect the global environment and prevent pollution, and by clarifying the financial impact of climate change, we will aim to improve our corporate resilience and realize the key issue of "Creation of a comfortable workplace".
03Climate Change Response (TCFD)
Recognizing that rising temperatures due to climate change will have a significant impact on our business, the Nisso Group is enhancing the quality and quantity of information disclosure based on the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) framework of "Governance", "Strategy", "Risk Management", and "Indicators and Targets".
In order to limit the temperature rise to less than 1.5 °C in the second half of the 21st century, we have identified medium-term risks until 2030 and long-term risks until 2050 based on the 4 °C, 2 °C, and 1.5 °C scenarios, and have formulated strategies to reduce these risks and acquire opportunities.
With the aim of further enhancing information disclosure on climate change, we have endorsed the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures in October 2023. In addition, we are also a member of the TCFD Consortium, a forum for discussion among supporting companies.

With regard to "Governance", the "Sustainability Council", which is part of the "Corporate Value Enhancement Committee" chaired by the Representative Director and President, identifies issues related to climate change and devises measures to resolve them, and after consultation with the Committee, approves them at our company's "Board of Directors' Meetings".
We refer to the report issued by the IEA (Note 1) for the transition scenario and the report issued by the IPCC (Note 2) for the physical scenario to develop strategies to identify risks and seize opportunities that we can bring to our business, strategic and financial planning.
1Streamlining sales activities
The use of company-owned vehicles in sales activities has become essential, and a certain amount of gasoline and other fuels are used. In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our sales activities, we are promoting a switch to fuel-efficient transportation methods such as hybrids and the creation of a remote environment. As a result, we are not only reducing costs, but also gaining new customers and other opportunities.
- Transition risk
- Physical Risk
- oppor
2Reduction of reputation risk and enhancement of brand strength in the recruitment market
The source of the Nisso Group's business is "people", and more than 10,000 diverse human resources visit us for interviews throughout the year. By enhancing our brand strength while promoting measures to prevent global warming, which society demands, we are working not only to reduce reputation risk but also to create new opportunities.
- Transition risk
- Physical Risk
- oppor
3Outages due to flooding, etc.
If the supply chain is disrupted due to abnormal weather conditions at client plants, such as large typhoons or rainstorms, or if the plants are shut down due to damage from the disaster, it may affect the work situation under temporary or outsourced contracting.
- Transition risk
- Physical Risk
- oppor
4Health hazards due to heat waves, droughts, etc.
Increased heat waves and droughts associated with global warming may lead to an increase in heat stroke and other health problems among our employees, affecting their working conditions.
- Transition risk
- Physical Risk
- oppor
5Introduction of carbon tax, etc.
The NISSO Group's business performance may be affected by the introduction of new taxation systems, such as a carbon tax, due to the growing momentum to address climate change.
- Transition risk
- Physical Risk
- oppor
Note 1: We refer to various scenarios in the World EnergyOutlook (WEO) published annually by the International Energy Agency (IEA). Specifically, risks and opportunities were identified based on NZE for the 1.5°C scenario, SDS for the 2°C scenario, and STEPS for the 4°C scenario.
Note 2: We refer to various scenarios in the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) issued by the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (IPCC). Specifically, risks and opportunities were identified based on RCP2.6 for the 2°C scenario and RCP8.5 for the 4°C scenario. The 1.5°C scenario is based on the 1.5°C Special Report.
(3)Risk Management
Analysis and evaluation are conducted in conjunction with compliance and risk management, and approval is given by the Board of Directors after discussion by the Corporate Value Enhancement Committee.
While monitoring the current situation and measuring the effects, we are promoting initiatives toward the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
FY 3/21 | FY 3/22 | FY 3/23 | FY 3/24 | |
Total (Scope 1 + 2) | 2,951t-CO2 | 2,993t-CO2 | 3,116t-CO2 | 3,015t-CO2 |
Scope 1 (Emissions calculated from fuel consumption of company vehicles)
We are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our business activities by promoting the use of more fuel-efficient transportation and improving the efficiency of business activities.
Category | FY 3/21 | FY 3/22 | FY 3/23 | FY 3/24 |
Scope 1 Emissions | 2,213t-CO2 | 2,279t-CO2 | 2,418t-CO2 | 2,429t-CO2 |
Gasoline Consumption | 730kl | 763kl | 798kl | 820kl |
Diesel fuel Consumption | 200kl | 196kl | 219kl | 204kl |
Scope 2 (Emissions calculated from electricity usage in offices, etc.)
While promoting efficiency in business activities, we are working to reduce electricity consumption and emissions by curbing overtime work, such as reducing excessive working hours.
Category | FY 3/21 | FY 3/22 | FY 3/23 | FY 3/24 |
Market standards Scope 2 Emissions |
738t-CO2 | 714t-CO2 | 698t-CO2 | 586t-CO2 |
Location-based emissions | 686t-CO2 | 677t-CO2 | 683t-CO2 | 670t-CO2 |
Electricity Consumption | 1,541,233kWh | 1,563,465kWh | 1,573,752kWh | 1,530,655kWh |
Of which, consumption at Headquarters | 602,082kWh | 614,877kWh | 603,536kWh | 457,715kWh |
(Headquarters consumption rate) | (39.00%) | (39.30%) | (38.40%) | (29.90%) |
FY 3/21 | FY 3/22 | FY 3/23 | FY 3/24 | |
Emission Intensity (Scope 1 + 2) | 0.043t-CO2/Million Yen in Sales | 0.039t-CO2/Million Yen in Sales | 0.034t-CO2/Million Yen in Sales | 0.031t-CO2/Million Yen in Sales |
Note: In order to calculate CO2 emissions, we use "Sustana", a cloud service provided by Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation to support CO2 emissions calculation and reduction (validation of calculation formula and emission count DB confirmed by SGS Japan Inc.).