Nisso Group Personal Information Protection Policy
Nisso Group, as a practitioner of "corporate social responsibility," as stated in our corporate philosophy, and with a strong recognition that our personnel are the absolute core of our business, will always be conscious of the importance of the personal information entrusted to us and will comply with laws and regulations related to personal information protection. We have established the "Personal Information Protection Policy" listed below and will promote continuous proper handling of personal information with a high level of awareness by all officers and employees.
- We will comply with laws and regulations regarding personal information and guidelines set by the government, as well as other standards.
- We will handle personal information within the scope of employment and business, and will not use it for purposes other than those intended. Additionally, we will take measures to prevent unauthorized use and protect personal information from leaks, losses, or damage. We will also rectify these issues if they occur.
- Except as provided by law, we will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the provider.
- We will respond to requests for disclosure, correction, and suspension of use of personal information, among other requests, in accordance with laws and regulations and the provisions of each group company.
October 2, 2023 (Date of Establishment)
Representative Director, President & CEO

Handling of Personal Information
The purposes of using the personal information we collect are as follows. In cases where we collect personal information directly from individuals in writing, we will clearly specify the purposes each time. Additionally, we may create statistical data processed to prevent identification of individuals based on the personal information provided to us (such statistical data may be used by us without any restrictions).
Personal Information Collected Directly in Writing from Individuals
Personal Information Collected by Methods Other Than Writing Directly from Individuals
Purposes of Using Cookies and Similar Technologies
We may use cookies to identify your computer and enable you to use our website's services when you browse our website. Additionally, we may use information collected through cookies and similar technologies to analyze your website usage (access status, traffic, routing, etc.) and improve website performance and the services we provide to you through our website. We may classify you based on information obtained through cookies and similar technologies and provide this classification information to partner companies such as advertising delivery companies, media companies, advertising agencies, and advertisers. Information provided by us may be used for the delivery of behavior-targeted advertisements to you. Please note that when we disclose information collected through cookies and similar technologies to third parties, we will do so within the limits permitted by laws related to personal information protection.
Voluntariness of Providing Personal Information
Providing your personal information is voluntary, but if you do not provide necessary information, you may not be able to receive appropriate services. Providing optional information is not required to receive our services, but providing it can enable smoother service provision.
Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
We will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual, unless otherwise specified. When providing information, we will clearly state the following and obtain the individual's consent:
- Recipient
- Purpose of Providing to Third Parties
- Items of Personal Information to Be Provided
- Method or Means of Providing
- Type and Attributes of the Entity or Organization Receiving the Information
- Existence of Agreements Regarding the Handling of Personal Information
However, we may provide personal information without the individual's consent in the following cases:
- When required by law
- When necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of the individual, and it is difficult to obtain consent from the individual
- When necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child rearing, and obtaining consent from the individual is difficult
- When cooperation is necessary for a national or local government agency or an entity entrusted with a task prescribed by law to perform its duties, and obtaining consent from the individual could hinder the performance of such duties
- When explicitly requested by the individual to provide information to third parties
Joint Use of Personal Information
Nisso Group may share the personal information provided by its group companies among its group companies.
- Items to be shared
ame, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, e-mail address, possible start date of employment, current employment status, etc.
Scope of joint use
Nisso Group Companies
Please refer to the following link for the scope of applicable group companies
List of Group Companies
- Purpose of Shared Use
Personal information provided to us will be used to provide the following Nisso Group services and to inform you about our services, etc.
Types of Personal Information and Purpose of Use
- To provide job information services such as temporary staffing, outsourcing, and job placement
1.Introduction of job informatio
2.To provide information on events, campaigns, etc
3.To conduct questionnaires regarding our services
4. To distribute e-mail magazines
5.Selection and decision-making related to recruitment
- Labor management of employees, etc.
- For incidental operations related to various services
Person responsible for management of personal information to be share
- 1-4-1 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa Prefecture NISSO Shin-Yokohama Building
President and CEO, Ryuichi Shimizu
Head of General Affairs Department, Personal Information Protection Manager
- Method of Acquisition
Direct written communication
Scope of Third Parties
When personal information is provided due to the merger or other reasons related to business succession, the recipient of the personal information will not be considered a third party.
Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing
We may outsource the processing of personal information to entities that meet the level of personal information protection defined by us to achieve the purposes of use described above.
Management of Personal Information
To prevent the loss, misuse, or alteration of personal information under our control, we implement appropriate security measures. Personal information is stored in a secure environment inaccessible to the general public. We also make efforts to process the personal information you provide accurately. However, the individual who provided the personal information is responsible for ensuring that the information is accurate and up-to-date.
Rights Regarding Personal Information
We will respond appropriately to requests for notification of the purpose of use of personal information subject to disclosure, disclosure of personal information subject to disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of personal information subject to disclosure, and refusal of use or provision of personal information subject to disclosure. In such cases, we will verify your identity using information that can identify you (such as your name, address, phone number, date of birth, and email address). We are not responsible if someone other than you obtains and uses information that can identify you. Please note that information related to recruitment selection and personnel evaluation is not subject to disclosure.
Changes to Personal Information, etc.
You can change, add, or delete the personal information you have provided at any time.
Disclaimer Regarding Third-Party Provision
We are not responsible for the acquisition of personal information by third parties in the following cases:
A. When individuals themselves disclose personal information to specific companies using the functions on this site or through other means
B. When individuals are unintentionally identified as a result of activity information or other information entered by individuals on this site
C. When personal information is provided by individuals on external sites linked from this site and is used
Contact Information for Personal Information Management
If you have any questions about personal information management, please contact us at the following address:
Address: 1-4-1 Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 222-0033, Japan
Phone: 045-620-3777
Hours: Weekdays from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (excluding weekends and holidays)