Number of compliance educators

The Nisso Group conducts periodic compliance-related education based on the Compliance Regulations.

Number of compliance education participants

FY 3/2024


01Basic View

The Nisso Group has established the "Nisso Group Charter of Corporate Behavior", which indicates the core concepts of a company that conducts sound and sincere business activities, and the "Nisso Group Employee Code of Conduct", which provides specific action guidelines. The Nisso Group also distributes the pocket leaflet "NISSO Michishirube" (literal meaning: "NISSO Guidelines") which contains the aforementioned Charter and Code to officers and employees of the Nisso Group in order to ensure compliance of laws, regulations and ethical behavior. In addition, based on the "Compliance Regulations", the Board of Directors of the Company monitors, manages and approves the development of a compliance system, investigates and grasps the actual situation, considers countermeasures, and determines measures to prevent recurrence, in order to achieve fair and transparent management by faithfully complying with laws and regulations, internal rules, the Employee Code of Conduct, etc.

02Nisso Group Ethics Policy

The Nisso Group, as well as our officers and employees, shall uphold and comply with the following policy in order to share our commitment to and ensure the awareness of compliance, which is fundamental to corporate management.

  1. (Ethical compliance with laws and regulations)

    With high ethical standards, we shall act with integrity and respect both the letter and the spirit of the law both at home and abroad.

  2. (Elimination of improper benefits)

    We shall prohibit bribery, corruption, extortion, and embezzlement of any kind. In addition, we shall not engage in acts that fall within the scope of bribery, such as granting, accepting, requesting, authorizing, or making promises for (improper) benefits, with the aim of engaging in inappropriate acts which violate laws and internal regulations by abusing our authority or position in the course of our duties.

  3. (Information disclosure and transparency)

    We shall disclose corporate information to our stakeholders, such as clients, shareholders・investors, business partners, the government, local communities, and society in a timely・accurate manner in order to enhance transparency.

  4. (Protection of intellectual property)

    We shall respect the intellectual property of others obtained through our corporate activities, and protect confidential information.

  5. (Fair・transparent・free competition and business transactions)

    We shall always engage in fair・transparent・free competition and business transactions in domestic and overseas markets.

  6. (Protection of identities and elimination of retaliation)

    In conformity with laws and internal regulations, we shall protect those who report any wrongdoings (whistle-blowers) using internal systems, such as by telephone or e-mail, from being forced into disadvantageous situations or from being retaliated against.

  7. (Dissemination and thorough observance)

    In order to ensure the thorough observance of this policy, we shall appropriately implement education for our officers and employees, disseminate its content, and conduct checks on a regular basis to further promote compliance management.

03Compliance System

The Nisso Group has established the “Nisso Group Charter of Corporate Behavior”, which indicates the core concepts of a company that conducts sound and sincere business activities, and the “Nisso Group Employee Code of Conduct”, which provides specific action guidelines. We also distribute the pocket leaflet "NISSO Michishirube" (literal meaning: "NISSO Guidelines") which contains the aforementioned Charter and Code to officers and employees of the Nisso Group in order to ensure that they are fully aware of legal compliance and ethical behavior. In addition, we have established an educational system on compliance based on our "Compliance Regulations", and provide regular training on such matters to officers and employees. Also, in order to detect violations of laws and regulations at an early stage, NISSO HOLDINGS and our subsidiaries have established "Whistleblower Protection Regulations", and have set up the "Nisso Group Internal Reporting Counter" as an external contact point. Furthermore, in addition to prohibiting the disadvantageous treatment of informants, we have developed and continue to operate a system to investigate and administer corrective and recurrence prevention measures in the event of any such submission of reports.

・Establishment of a Counter based on the Internal Reporting System
We have set up the "Nisso Group Internal Reporting Counter" to prohibit disadvantageous treatment of informants, and have developed and are operating a system to investigate and administer corrective and recurrence prevention measures in the event of any such submission of reports.

・Compliance Education
With the aim of ensuring thorough compliance, NISSO HOLDINGS distributes the “NISSO Michishirube” to all officers and employees, including the Nisso Group companies, and conducts compliance education once a year. For new employees, we conduct ethics education during new employee training. In addition, we are making thorough efforts to raise awareness of harassment prevention among all employees by hanging posters and issuing notifications on harassment prevention.

・Initiatives to Protect Personal Information
We believe that it is our important responsibility to properly manage the personal information of our clients, business partners, shareholders and other stakeholders acquired through our business activities, and strive to appropriately manage personal information under our Privacy Policy.