The Company actively engages in IR and SR activities based on the following basic policy in order to contribute to the Nisso Group’s (hereinafter, the “Group”) sustainable growth and the enhancement of corporate value over the medium-term by promoting constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors.
Policy for Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders
1Designation of management personnel, etc., regarding dialogue with shareholders
The Representative Director & President plays a central role in dialogue with shareholder and investors, and the Chief Financial Officer along with the division in charge of IR assist and promote such dialogue.
2Initiatives for seamless collaboration within the Company
The Company works together with relevant divisions/departments, centering on the division in charge of IR, for constructive dialogue with shareholders through the discussion, sharing and preparation of disclosure information. The Company also cooperates with the Corporate Value Enhancement Committee and strives for timely and appropriate disclosures.
3Initiatives to enhance means of dialogue other than individual interviews
By recognizing that the General Meeting of Shareholders is a forum for dialogue with shareholders, the Company strives to set the date and time of the General Meeting by avoiding days when such meetings are concentrated, and sends out and discloses convocation notices and reports as soon as possible.
In addition, in order to help deepen the understanding of the Company, it holds Financial Results Briefings and Medium-term Management Plan Briefings for institutional investors and analysts, and conducts Company Briefings for individual investors.
4 Initiatives for feedback of shareholder opinions and concerns
The Company has established a system for the timely reporting of IR activity reports, including opinions and concerns of shareholders and investors obtained through dialogue, to the Board of Directors, etc.
5Initiatives related to management of insider information
Regarding dialogue with shareholders and investors, in addition to establishing "Information Disclosure Regulations" and "Insider Trading Prevention Regulations" in order to prevent material information from being disclosed to some specified persons and to thoroughly manage material information, the Company has selected a Chief Information Handling Officer, and strives to prevent the leakage of material information and insider trading by internal personnel.
Furthermore, the Company will refrain from dialogue with shareholders and investors for a certain period of time prior to the announcement of financial results, setting it as a "silent period".
6Other initiatives
In addition to regularly ascertaining the shareholder composition on the register of shareholders, the Company conducts shareholder identification surveys of those who hold substantial shares of the Company, which will be utilized in constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors.
Furthermore, the Company will focus further on providing non-financial information such as business strategies and information related to ESG, etc.